Tag Archives: POTTER

My Collection of Celebrity Autographs

8 Sep

J.K. Rowling is a THIEF!!!

21 May

Have you had the wonderful pleasure of watching the film “Troll”? If not you should check it out.

Here’s a link for it on Hulu: http://www.hulu.com/watch/105627/troll

Anyway… The plot is as follows:  A boy’s apartment building is invaded by an ancient troll and he becomes a wizard to fight off the troll and it’s evil minions from taking over the world. Guess what the boy’s name is…Harry Potter!! What a coincidence. Troll came out in 1986, and Harry Potter was written in 1997. Coincidence? Maybe but I doubt it. But maybe.

Watch the film on Hulu and think about it. Let me know your thoughts.