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Rent Boys: The Musical

4 Aug

I wanna see a musical with the following plot: An old married couple rent a rent boy to pretend he is their son at a family reunion. Hilariousness ensues as he pretends he’s their son and simultaneously tries to pickup future customers (“Johns”) like Uncle Joe and Cousin Phil.

What’s a rent boy? It’s a young man prostitute. Or a male child one. Either way it’s a baby man ho.

I think it’s a genius plot. If I see it anywhere else I’m suing your ass!

Thieves!!!!!!! (Maybe.)

2 Aug

This is the Dexter title sequence we all know and love…

Now THIS is the tv spot for the next season of Project Runway…

Anyone else see the ripoffness? Well either the Project Runway crew realized they could reinvent Dexter’s titles to suit their show OR they hired the same people to do THEIR tv spot. And if the same people did both things than that is cool but lame. Cool because the gimmick is great and awesome looking and they should enjoy their neat creative idea, and lame because they should be able to do something just as cool but different for a totally different show instead of ripoffing their own work.

I will investigate and let you know if it’s the same people who did both. (When I get around to it.)


The Dexter titles were created by Digital Kitchen (They also did True BloodNip/Tuck, and Six Feet Under‘s title sequences) and the Project Runway one was done by…undetermined. POO!

The Digital Kitchen website says nothing about the Project Runway spot. Check out their site yourself:

Oh well…I will keep you updated.

Rihanna has ripped off Tank Girl!!

31 Jan

Check out her latest video for her single titled : “Hard”.

Now take a look at this video of Tank Girl:

Just to be clear: Rihanna’s video is a glam rip off of the original Tank Girl style from the comic and the film. What do you think?

Where are you…

12 Sep

Beck, Alanis and Natalie?

We know you’re not living off royalties.

I want…

3 Sep

to become a rapper and my name be “G.O.B.”. Because I relate best to grumpy old bastards.


Music blows donkey balls now a days.

2 Sep

Who told the 90’s to stop making music? Dick.