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Are these the same person?: Celebrity Edition

6 Jan

Have you seen ‘Bloodline’? It’s great, watch it. It’s a Netflix drama centering around a well off Florida family with a few too many secrets. Great writing and cast.

Speaking of the cast. There is this guy: 

Ben Mendelsohn

He plays one of the brothers that stirs up trouble in ‘Bloodline’.

Now this post is about people I’ve seen in two different places that look a lot alike to me.

So tonight I binged ‘My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding’. That is also amazing for the exact opposite reasons of ‘Bloodline’. Their weddings are ridiculous. In a terrible and wonderful way. Check that show out too.

Anyway there was a mom on the show being interviewed because her 15 year old daughter was just wed. Yeah 15. 
So let me know if you agree. I think it’s pretty close. Hair and skin tones are different but I not to far off.

That’s all. Have a good day!

The puppet-man of Boardwalk Empire…

20 Apr

Is it me or…

does Michael Stuhlbarg in ‘Boardwalk Empire’ look a hell of a lot like a ventriloquist dummy?

No? You don’t see it. Well how about this: Which of the below is Michael Stuhlbarg?


Got you there.

If you said:


You were wrong. It’s really:


Thanks for playing!!

Want to know why there are so many DC references and so few Marvel ones on “The Big Bang Theory”? Find out here!

14 Sep

Warner Brothers owns the show and Warner Brothers owns DC Comics. Marvel Comics is the major competition of DC Comics. The end.

My Collection of Celebrity Autographs

8 Sep

My Cartoon Cel Collection: Be Awed. Be Very Awed.

5 Sep


Neanderthal Actors AKA Giant Skulls of Hollywood

3 Sep

Let me single out some more freaks for our amusement. Today we will be focusing on these specimens’ ginormous craniums mixed with their celebrityness. Now we begin the judging and ridicule:

Matt Smith (Current Dr. Who)

Matt Smith is the new Dr. and is still feeling his way around the universe of the show. The audience is still adjusting to Smith and the show gets mixed reviews, but over all is still loved by its fans. I was introduced to the show during the last Dr.’s reign. But still I think Matt Smith is doing a wonderful job. But DAMN he has a huge head. Right?! It’s not only a big fucking head, but his tiny mouse eyes make him look like a caveman. Luckily for Matt his head is equally huge all the way around. (Unlike our next examples.)

Conan O’Brien (America’s #1 TV Host)

The vaguely smart populous to the very smart populous all know and love Conan. He is one funny man indeed. But let’s not focus on his kick ass humor and instead lets recognize his giant eggplant shaped head. Conan has tiny eyes like Matt Smith. But his head is more top-heavy than Matt’s. We all know that curl is supposed to distract most of us from his 8 finger forehead and most of the time it works. Good thinking, Conan. Keep on keeping on.

Dolph Lundgren (80’s Movie Bad Guy)

Nice pout, Dolph! (Sarcasm). He may look like a caveman but actually he is a bit of a super genious. He speaks several languages and has a degree in chemical engineering. Surprised? I was too. Back in the 80’s Dolph was a pretty big star. He was in loads of action films. Now he is trying to pull a Mickey Rourke type comeback in a few new crappy films. Back to the giant skull part of the one way conversation: Dolph has the opposite issue as Conan. Dolph’s jaw and lower skull is about 4 sizes too big for a normal human. He looks like he could bite through a car tire no problem. Dolph’s features all match up pretty will with the rest of his face and this make him even weirder looking. With larger eyes, nose and lips to match his huge fucking head he looks like a giant or a cartoon thug from one of the very very old Superman cartoons.

Russell Brand (Wacky Comedian/Actor)

Russell is known for his personality which is very similar to (exactly like) that of Johnny Depp’s Jack Sparrow. They even go to the same hair dresser. Though he started as a standup comic he is now an actor of Hollywood films. He moved up the Hollywood ranks quickly and is now married to Katy (I have big boobs, see?) Perry. Head issues: Russell has a head similar to Dolph but it’s longer and therefor more noticeably mischievous looking. He looks like a children’s book villain. He is only missing a top had and coattails. His tiny tiny nose, eyes and mouth make his skull area seem even more vast. I have an idea how his nose atrophied but I’m too nice to say. Coke. Lots and loads and trucks full of coke.

Actresses with giant guns (arms)!

6 Dec

Some of these ladies might be dainty and manicured but if you piss them off they could pop your head right off your neck.


Angela Bassett especially in “What’s Love Got to do With it?” as Tina Turner


Kelly Ripa AKA Regis Philbin’s puppeteer

Tara from True Blood AKA Rutina Wesley

Terminator Mom AKA Linda Hamilton

Are They Related?: Celebrity Edition, Witch VS. Vampire

5 Dec

Amber Benson VS. Kristin Bauer

What do you think? They both have that California relaxed look. Though since I said that they are probably from Iowa and Mississippi or something.


Here is a more dramatic look for them both. Though Kristin has a bunch on makeup on you can still see the similarities.

Let me know what you guys think. Am I off or did I hit it on the head?





The math of the TV show wardrobe:

11 Aug

Smart/lazy  producers decide that some shows should have their lead cast in recognizably similar clothing throughout the season. So that each character remains in your head to appear to remain the same throughout time. Their style and tastes never changing. The producers want you to recognize the character immediately and remember their style as well. Now here are a few examples of this interestingness:

A= Sheldon Cooper– Long sleeved solid shirt under a short sleeved printed shirt, unless he’s wearing a jacket over it of course. With dark straight leg pants, either pattered or solid.

B= Howard Wolowitz– Solid turtle neck under buttoned down collared shirt with maybe a sweater vest thrown in for shits and giggles. He has some dramatic colored pants. Like the red ones seen above.

C= Rajesh Koothrappali– Zip down wind breaker or light jacket over a v-neck sweater over a buttoned down collared shirt. He usually has earth tone pants.

D= Leonard Hofstadter– T-shirt under a hooded zip front sweat shirt (always unzipped), under a jacket. He seems to wear jeans of varying colors, dark brown, blues, and dark greens.

E= Penny– She wears whatever flatters her figure in a cute way, unless she is supposed to look homey/slummy and she is in sweats. It is undeniable she has the largest variety of clothing styles among the whole cast.

Other shows do this too. Just check out some images of your favorite shows online. Not every show does it, but many do. Bet you’ll hate me now because you won’t be able to stop noticing it. Sorry. But it had to be shared.

Thieves!!!!!!! (Maybe.)

2 Aug

This is the Dexter title sequence we all know and love…

Now THIS is the tv spot for the next season of Project Runway…

Anyone else see the ripoffness? Well either the Project Runway crew realized they could reinvent Dexter’s titles to suit their show OR they hired the same people to do THEIR tv spot. And if the same people did both things than that is cool but lame. Cool because the gimmick is great and awesome looking and they should enjoy their neat creative idea, and lame because they should be able to do something just as cool but different for a totally different show instead of ripoffing their own work.

I will investigate and let you know if it’s the same people who did both. (When I get around to it.)


The Dexter titles were created by Digital Kitchen (They also did True BloodNip/Tuck, and Six Feet Under‘s title sequences) and the Project Runway one was done by…undetermined. POO!

The Digital Kitchen website says nothing about the Project Runway spot. Check out their site yourself:

Oh well…I will keep you updated.