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Did Brad Pitt moonlight in ‘V for Vendetta’?

9 Nov

I know this is very unlikely but take a look at these images and tell me your thoughts.





If it is him than he underwent a uglyifying makeup procedure to make him look like a normal.

What do you think?

One of My Heroes: Full Moon Features/Charles Band

31 Mar

In 1989 Charles Band created Full Moon Productions. He wanted a production company that would churn out a horror/sci-fi film once a month(ish). The films would be made on a super low budget but still look much better than their competitors (similar low budget production companies). Through the 90’s Fullmoon was noticeably successful. The Puppet Master and Subspecies franchises kept audiences wanting more. They also put out dozens of other films which varied in success. The later 90’s into the early 2000’s saw Fullmoon lose its audience. Band renamed the company several times since 1989 and it’s now called Fullmoon Features. The company is now actually starting to bring itself back to life. Being a huge fan of the company I am super excited and would kill to work with them. HINT HINT, Mr. Band.

But really folks. You need to check out some of their best works and enjoy the goof and wonder that is the mighty and terrible Fullmoon Features. See below for a list of films from which to start your Fullmoon journey:


1. Castle Freak- Let’s just lay it all out on the table now so you know what you’re getting into. Like pulling a band-aid quickly. Especially if that band-aid happens to be a naked rotting castle freak wreaking havok on the new tenants.

2. Puppet Master 1- William Hickey, puppets that kill, and a sexual psychic. What more can you want? Oh…you’re looking for a puppet that vomits up leaches, too? Let’s see…You’re in luck. We have one right here. She even cuddles the victims that she’s vomiting them on.

3. Subspecies 2- In all honesty I think Gary Oldman might have taken a note or two from Radu. That whole decrepit yet enticing thing was Radu’s idea first. Also notice that the blood in this is actually really really gross. These vampires are very messy and tend to let the blood just leak out of their mouths after they take a victim. Eww.

4. Dollman vs. Demonic Toys- A 13” tall mini-cop from the future, played by Tim motherfucking Thomerson!, must rescue ”Nurse Ginger”, a mini-bimbo from the present (She was shrunk down…its a long story.) from being impregnated by a demon possessed baby doll. No one wants to give birth to the anti-christ. Not even mini-bimbos named Nurse Ginger.


So please check out the site of the Company and even a few of the film. I can promise you one thing: YOU WILL NEVER FORGET ANYTHING FROM FULLMOON. Even if it’s not quite your cup of tea. It’s still some tea you will never forget the taste of.

Want to know why there are so many DC references and so few Marvel ones on “The Big Bang Theory”? Find out here!

14 Sep

Warner Brothers owns the show and Warner Brothers owns DC Comics. Marvel Comics is the major competition of DC Comics. The end.

Some Famous Quart-Asians

7 Sep

“Quart-Asian”™ – Someone who looks a little bit Asian, but is not.

Tom Hanks

David Carradine

Quentin Tarantino 

Can you think of any more?

Where have all the Nazis gone?

24 Aug

Chicago that’s where!

Mike and I were at Wizard World Chicago this past weekend. As per usual we had a great time and he was commissioned for many many sketches. Blank cover sketches, full figure sketches, head sketches and all that jazz. Nothing out of the ordinary. Then these two dudes stopped by the booth. They looked like they walked out of a beating scene from Boys Don’t Cry. Meaning they looked like scary dangerous rednecks. T-shirts with cut off sleeves, tattoos here there and everywhere and none were pretty colors, just black ink faded into dark blue. Anyway they were pretty odd looking amongst the nerd herd at the convention. They commissioned a sketch from Mike and as I took the details I noticed the older guy’s tattoos on his arm. Well lets just say he either likes the SS and the Nazi party or he got drunk and someone pulled a shitty prank on him back at the tattoo parlor one night. Either way he had a huge swastika and two or three “SS” symbols on him. My first thought was to act like a cold asshole to him from then on but try my best not to yell at him about his hateful tattoos. Then my next thought was to take all the money off him we could for the commission and use it for something good.

I sure as hell didn’t want to get jumped after the con so we didn’t ask him about his body “art” instead we chose to shut up and avoid a painful beating.

Long story slightly short: Mike did the commission and we accepted the cash. Later we had thought maybe the guy was a reformed Nazi or maybe he was a Buddhist but the guy fucked up the symbol at the tattoo parlor.

Either way we have the guys money and we plan to spend it on something he would hate to if her were a Nazi, like Mexican food or challah bread french toast. That’s not so bad, right?

Bank of America gives you $100 for kid tossing. Get started today!!

13 Aug

I ran into this ad on my walk to Whole Foods the other day. What else can it mean?

What the what?!!?

10 Aug

I saw this bus stop ad near my house. It is soo weird. What the hell does it mean? I know Levis made the first jeans which were used for workers back in the day. But my interpretation of the ad is the following:

The kid is a product tester for the new type of shirt he was paid to sew for five cents an hour outside of the US. Is he a worker? If so what does he do? Kids don’t wear adult sized shirts and if they did I would assume they would wear pants too. Maybe it’s just me. I hope so.

Ed Hardy hand sanitizer…REALLY?!

5 Aug

What’s next DKNY mouthwash? How does an ugly clothing line based on old tattoo designs make it as far as Ed Hardy has? Madonna has his bags and jackets for Christ’s sake. Although now that I think about it, I haven’t seen nearly as much Ed Hardy around as last year. So maybe the brand is dying out. Than is this hand sanitizer going to bring the clothing line back up through the ranks? Is this their second coming?

I wonder if you get shitty heart and leopard tattoos everywhere that you use the sanitizer? Watch out!

Your Hairstylist’s Hair: Consider it Their Means of Advertising

15 Jul

If you walk into an unfamiliar salon for a nice fresh new look and the hairstylist you get has some wacky nuvo fashion hair cut that makes them look like a moron than ask to reschedule due to an unexpected birth in the family and when they take you back to the counter to reschedule say, “One sec I have to make a quick call.” Then go outside and RUN!

Nothing is worse than a shittylicious haircut that won’t even grow out well in a few weeks. Think of your potential hairstylist’s haircut as a preview of their talent. Sure they probably didn’t cut it themselves but someone they chose did, someone they judged as trust worthy and talented by using their hairstylist powers/education.

Imagine you were going to get an artist to do a portrait of you and the artist’s favorite type of art was “shit smeared on walls and called a political statement about how the government treats the homeless”. You should probably look else where for an artist to do a nice classic portrait. I won’t deny that this mode of thinking is judgmental, ever rude and kinda cruel…but it’s your portrait and if it ends up being a turd stapled to a piece of loose-leaf with your name written under it than you’re only to blame.

An artist’s tastes/judgments generally reflects their school of thought/(sometimes) talent, and more often than not (when dealing when a hairstylist) if their hair looks like shit than yours might end up the same if not worse. Why take the risk?

Think of all those funny looking haircuts you see on hairstylists in 80’s movies.(Or remember the hairstylists’ haircuts back in the 80’s (If you remember them.)) Now imagine you went to one of those hairstylists back then and asked for a trim and some layers, expecting a good haircut by today’s standards.You might end up looking like this:

—-Scroll over image.—-

Again…don’t risk your hair. It takes way too long to grow back out. Especially bangs…trust me on that one.

P.S. Especially never trust a bald hairstylist. They could be bald because their last hair cut was a mistake, and if your hairstylist can’t get a good hairstylist then they probably aren’t that good either.

Good luck!

Restaurant Bathrooms: You Never Know What Weirdness Awaits

14 Jul

A few years ago I attended my sister’s Wedding Rehearsal Dinner in Houston, Texas. The restaurant was a nice small Italian joint near where I grew up.

The food was good and the service was swift and smart. There were about 15 of us there at the dinner. Mostly my sister’s family. Her hubby to be was from Mexico and couldn’t fly in too many family members for the event.

There was one thing about that dinner that will always be with me. No it wasn’t a toast or speech…but the bathroom. Why the bathroom you ask? Because the bathroom wallpaper consisted of cutout images of naked guys and their shlongs from Playgirl magazine and the like.

WHAT?! Yeah. I know.

So after being a bit weirded out and exiting the bathroom, I bump into my dad who was exiting the Men’s bathroom. I immediately say, “There’s porn in the bathroom!” He then tells me there are naked chicks all over the walls of the Men’s bathroom. I immediately push the Men’s door open and see he was not wrong. Hundreds of butt naked chick photos were used as wallpaper. Equal opportunity at least. Amazingly my very religious dad was not freaked out, surprised or even amused. You would think there were pics of flowers used as wallpaper based on how uninterested he was in the oddity of the situation.

What about kids? My 6 year old sister was there. (No not the one getting married. The other one…I have two, weirdo.) Is it not a bit odd to have pics of dongs or vajins surround a kid who just wants to pee and get back to eating?

Another odd thing I just realized is that no one else commented on the bathroom’s porno walls. I would assume it was a hallucination but my dad saw it too. So maybe everyone else was just too uptight to comment. LOL.

The lasagna was really good though. Mmmmm lasagna…

Anyone else been in a very oddly designed bathroom?