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Time to play catch up…

31 Jan

starting with ketchup. HAHA! I’m so funny…

My first rant begins with costumes. This time it’s not costumes that pedos know and love but ones that boring middle class preppy white people love.

Like…(Roll over the dumbass in the ketchup costume with your mouse to get the scoop.)

Then there’s her husband, Bob Smith. (Ditto with the whole scrolling over thing…FYI: This is true for almost every picture in the blog.)

And now let’s meet Fred and Ethel, the Smith’s lovable dogs: (Again with the scrolling over image.)

What was that all about: Well… I don’t like people who wear very boring generic costumes. Plus it’s fun to make up stories about people’s lives.

Things that last nearly forever: #1

9 Dec


I bought this little guy 2 weeks before Halloween. 2 WEEKS! It’s been here for…about 7.5 weeks. Not only is it not rotten to all hell, but it’s as firm as it was when I got it. WTF?!

Awesome… but how? Was it radiated, or just genetically blessed? Perhaps it took that potion from “Death Becomes Her”?

Let’s be practical. It couldn’t have taken the potion…it’s a plant. I doubt it was radiated because it’s not that important enough to get radiated. (What does that mean you ask? I don’t know. I just said it.) Regarding genetics I don’t know enough to say it was or wasn’t so that leaves one last possible option: The truth.

It must have been INJECTED with the potion. Since it’s a plant it can’t swallow it so someone must have injected it. I’ll keep an eye on it for the next few months, and if it lasts until Halloween I will eat it and try and get some of the potion in my system. Or die of some bacterial food poisoning.

I’ll keep you updated.

What the FUKC is going on here?!!

1 Nov

Check out some of this years popular sexy female ADULT costumes:

Cow GirlBee LadyCool boot things.

Aaaaaaahh!!!! Kill it! Kill it!!

Does Silicone float? Something tells me she would know.

Everything seemed normal there. It has become increasingly popular to dress for Halloween as a sexy version of many characters. So these costumes are quite common nowadays. No big whoop.

Now let’s take a look at the costumes that these models’ daughters and nieces will be wearing:

WTF?! This child is a pedo's dream come true. Holy hell, Batman.Maybe I'm just old No. It's not me. This is just too creepy.Where could Little Red Riding Hood get cheetah print like that?Get thee to a child's nunnery!!At least this one has sleeves.

These costumes are made for girls 8-14 years old.

‘Nuff said.

P.S. Those kid’s totally stole their poses from the grownup ladies in their costumes.

P.P.S. All the kid’s costumes are from that “Bratz” brand. The “watch your little princess turn into a ‘dollar a pop’ young lady” brand of toys and costumes.

Best product combination…EVER:

25 Sep

Vicks and Puffs tissues!!!

God bless the person in the magical science lab who brought these two lovelies together.

<3 <3 <3<3 <3 <3<3 <3 <3

May the gods bless you, Puffs plus Vicks