Archive | August, 2010

Where have all the Nazis gone?

24 Aug

Chicago that’s where!

Mike and I were at Wizard World Chicago this past weekend. As per usual we had a great time and he was commissioned for many many sketches. Blank cover sketches, full figure sketches, head sketches and all that jazz. Nothing out of the ordinary. Then these two dudes stopped by the booth. They looked like they walked out of a beating scene from Boys Don’t Cry. Meaning they looked like scary dangerous rednecks. T-shirts with cut off sleeves, tattoos here there and everywhere and none were pretty colors, just black ink faded into dark blue. Anyway they were pretty odd looking amongst the nerd herd at the convention. They commissioned a sketch from Mike and as I took the details I noticed the older guy’s tattoos on his arm. Well lets just say he either likes the SS and the Nazi party or he got drunk and someone pulled a shitty prank on him back at the tattoo parlor one night. Either way he had a huge swastika and two or three “SS” symbols on him. My first thought was to act like a cold asshole to him from then on but try my best not to yell at him about his hateful tattoos. Then my next thought was to take all the money off him we could for the commission and use it for something good.

I sure as hell didn’t want to get jumped after the con so we didn’t ask him about his body “art” instead we chose to shut up and avoid a painful beating.

Long story slightly short: Mike did the commission and we accepted the cash. Later we had thought maybe the guy was a reformed Nazi or maybe he was a Buddhist but the guy fucked up the symbol at the tattoo parlor.

Either way we have the guys money and we plan to spend it on something he would hate to if her were a Nazi, like Mexican food or challah bread french toast. That’s not so bad, right?

Bank of America gives you $100 for kid tossing. Get started today!!

13 Aug

I ran into this ad on my walk to Whole Foods the other day. What else can it mean?

Thank you Interscope for making domestic violence romantic again.

13 Aug

I was on trying to pretend I care about the news, and I came across this video article:

So check out the music video itself before you decide what you really think:


Are you also pissed as shit? I know all relationships are different. But I think it’s very fucked up to illustrate an abusive relationship as sexy and give it a happy cuddly ending. Ending exactly as it began. Though the ending does show that it will be a cycle of abuse until someone leaves for good. But still…hot sex during abuse…really? Really??

I’m pretty sure being beat about the face doesn’t make one hot. Maybe I’m just weird.

There is much more that can be said about this video. Like why would Rihanna, a known victim of abuse, be cool with illustrating that abuse is a cause and effect type of deal? If you yell at me I hit you and then you yell and I hit again. The fact is that in reality you don’t have to say anything to be hit. You can act as calm as a bunny on a Summer day and get beat to shit because your bunny partner is an abusive prick. Anyway…

Did the hobbit get the temporary tattoos put on for the video to make him look badass? Or did he get them post hobbit to show chicks he was a manly man?

One final thought: How many “wife beaters” aka ribbed tanks does Eminem own? He wears them in almost every music video. And isn’t it funny he wears a wife beater while singing about hitting his girlfriend? HA.

P.S. Mike told me to make it clean that this is not an allegory for our domestic bliss.

Some stills from the video:

The math of the TV show wardrobe:

11 Aug

Smart/lazy  producers decide that some shows should have their lead cast in recognizably similar clothing throughout the season. So that each character remains in your head to appear to remain the same throughout time. Their style and tastes never changing. The producers want you to recognize the character immediately and remember their style as well. Now here are a few examples of this interestingness:

A= Sheldon Cooper– Long sleeved solid shirt under a short sleeved printed shirt, unless he’s wearing a jacket over it of course. With dark straight leg pants, either pattered or solid.

B= Howard Wolowitz– Solid turtle neck under buttoned down collared shirt with maybe a sweater vest thrown in for shits and giggles. He has some dramatic colored pants. Like the red ones seen above.

C= Rajesh Koothrappali– Zip down wind breaker or light jacket over a v-neck sweater over a buttoned down collared shirt. He usually has earth tone pants.

D= Leonard Hofstadter– T-shirt under a hooded zip front sweat shirt (always unzipped), under a jacket. He seems to wear jeans of varying colors, dark brown, blues, and dark greens.

E= Penny– She wears whatever flatters her figure in a cute way, unless she is supposed to look homey/slummy and she is in sweats. It is undeniable she has the largest variety of clothing styles among the whole cast.

Other shows do this too. Just check out some images of your favorite shows online. Not every show does it, but many do. Bet you’ll hate me now because you won’t be able to stop noticing it. Sorry. But it had to be shared.

What the what?!!?

10 Aug

I saw this bus stop ad near my house. It is soo weird. What the hell does it mean? I know Levis made the first jeans which were used for workers back in the day. But my interpretation of the ad is the following:

The kid is a product tester for the new type of shirt he was paid to sew for five cents an hour outside of the US. Is he a worker? If so what does he do? Kids don’t wear adult sized shirts and if they did I would assume they would wear pants too. Maybe it’s just me. I hope so.

Hope you like the new look!!

6 Aug

I worked my ass off trying to make it nice for you. I’m still sorting some things out. But the basic look is done. I need to categorize like 100 posts still, but that’s all. Well..enjoy an easier way to go through my head.

Ed Hardy hand sanitizer…REALLY?!

5 Aug

What’s next DKNY mouthwash? How does an ugly clothing line based on old tattoo designs make it as far as Ed Hardy has? Madonna has his bags and jackets for Christ’s sake. Although now that I think about it, I haven’t seen nearly as much Ed Hardy around as last year. So maybe the brand is dying out. Than is this hand sanitizer going to bring the clothing line back up through the ranks? Is this their second coming?

I wonder if you get shitty heart and leopard tattoos everywhere that you use the sanitizer? Watch out!

Rent Boys: The Musical

4 Aug

I wanna see a musical with the following plot: An old married couple rent a rent boy to pretend he is their son at a family reunion. Hilariousness ensues as he pretends he’s their son and simultaneously tries to pickup future customers (“Johns”) like Uncle Joe and Cousin Phil.

What’s a rent boy? It’s a young man prostitute. Or a male child one. Either way it’s a baby man ho.

I think it’s a genius plot. If I see it anywhere else I’m suing your ass!

Offensive words that are fun to say…

4 Aug

as long as you don’t think too much about their meanings or how terrible they make people feel. These words roll off the tongue like mean offensive rhythmic melodies sung from a cruel racist, sexist bigot named Buck. Not that all Bucks are racist…let’s move on before I talk myself into a black hole.

Note: I don’t condone saying these words unless you’re only saying them to laugh at how fun they are to say. They’re awful. (Spit, spit.)

Let’s begin:







tittard (Just made that one up. Go me.)


bible beater


Thieves!!!!!!! (Maybe.)

2 Aug

This is the Dexter title sequence we all know and love…

Now THIS is the tv spot for the next season of Project Runway…

Anyone else see the ripoffness? Well either the Project Runway crew realized they could reinvent Dexter’s titles to suit their show OR they hired the same people to do THEIR tv spot. And if the same people did both things than that is cool but lame. Cool because the gimmick is great and awesome looking and they should enjoy their neat creative idea, and lame because they should be able to do something just as cool but different for a totally different show instead of ripoffing their own work.

I will investigate and let you know if it’s the same people who did both. (When I get around to it.)


The Dexter titles were created by Digital Kitchen (They also did True BloodNip/Tuck, and Six Feet Under‘s title sequences) and the Project Runway one was done by…undetermined. POO!

The Digital Kitchen website says nothing about the Project Runway spot. Check out their site yourself:

Oh well…I will keep you updated.