Tag Archives: lycra

A Cosplay Diary: Idea

28 May

Meet Madame Masque. She’s all burnt up under that mask and emotionally charbroiled in the inside, but she sure does looks cool in that outfit carrying those badass guns.

Here’s a full figure type pic:I got my buddy Kerry from H.S. to help me make this ensemble due to my shatty  (no not shitty, shAtty) sewing skills. Kerry is a costume designer for theatres in the NYC area. I got me some connections. 🙂

Anyway. We’ll meet sometime next week to figure out a plan of execution then go from there.

In the meantime I got some wicked awesome boots to start the look of the costume, to set the mood kinda. What do you think?:

Suck it all you bought in Ricky’s Wonder Woman costume cosplay wannabes! Now… where can a girl buy a big cool fake gun and some gold spray paint?

I’ll keep you guys updated on the progression of this monster.