Tag Archives: miss

Where did all the Gak go?

1 Apr

If you were alive in the USA during the 90’s, and not living in a hole in the ground, you probably loved or hated Gak. It depended on if you were a parent or not. Parent’s hated it because it smelled like toxic waste and got stuck in all the fabrics of the house. The kids loved it for the fart noises they could make by squeezing it just right and the weird solid yet liquid feel. It was like a liquid that was soft and moved in slow motion. God I miss its cold clammy embrace.

Well time moved on (as usual) and Gak became the toy everyone set aside. What replaced Gak, what stole its owner’s attention and love?

Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis and Game Boy all worked together to shatter America’s youths’ fascination with the magical slime that farted and grossed out mothers and sisters around the world. Let’s not forget Tiger’s Handheld games, for the poorerish kids. ( I may not have had a Super Nes or a Game Boy at the time, but I had about 20 Tiger Handhelds. (Well revive our love for those in a later post.))

Where has all the Gak gone to? Can it ever be found? Is it starving and wandering the city streets looking for some way to support its kids? No. Because it’s not alive. But…

…it can be found. Let me show you where:

EbAY, baby:


Oh and you can make it yourself at home without the kit thing:


(It’s the first one listed, the Google ad is in the middle of it.)

So enjoy me fellow Gak lovers, and don’t even think of suing me if you screw it up and the cat eats it and dies. I never promised it was edible or wouldn’t ruin all your furniture.

What ever happened to…

27 Sep

coffee table books?

You know you have those huge picture books that focus on famous architecture, or famous celebrity photos by famous celebrity photographers *coughannieleibovitzcough*, or  photos of dirty poverty-stricken overseas urban street life (these are usually black and whites of deep-set shady doorways where some underage prostitute is smoking a cigarette while sitting on the floor looking down, at the lower right corner of the photo. For the extra uniqueness there might also be her 3-year-old brother standing in the shadow of the doorway staring into the camera. He’s usually naked or wearing only a t-shirt. For that cherry to top it off with,  his t-shirt will have some upbeat American icon like Britney Spears or Mickey Mouse on it.

Look familiar?

Look familiar?

If you have these books or ones like them I vote you unshelve them and put them back where they belong, on the coffee table. They like it there, it’s their home. Don’t worry about how typical they are. They’re supposed to be typical coffee books. Just return them to their rightful place and enjoy them all over again. I bet you’ll even notice things in them that you didn’t before.