Tag Archives: witches

Are They Related?: Celebrity Edition, Witch VS. Vampire

5 Dec

Amber Benson VS. Kristin Bauer

What do you think? They both have that California relaxed look. Though since I said that they are probably from Iowa and Mississippi or something.


Here is a more dramatic look for them both. Though Kristin has a bunch on makeup on you can still see the similarities.

Let me know what you guys think. Am I off or did I hit it on the head?





I wish I had…

15 Sep

a HUMONGOUS room with 2 full sized gingerbread houses in it, and each house had its own witch living inside it. One would be the witch from the Cannon Movie Tales’ Hansel and Gretel (played by Cloris Leachman) and the other would be the Faerie Tale Theatre’s witch from H&G (played by Joan Collins).  They would hate eachother but both love me. And they’d cook for me all the time.

I’d be like their witchy god daughter.
Witch Joan Cloris witch

A girl can dream…(sigh)