Tag Archives: buffy

My Collection of Celebrity Autographs

8 Sep

Are They Related?: Celebrity Edition, Witch VS. Vampire

5 Dec

Amber Benson VS. Kristin Bauer

What do you think? They both have that California relaxed look. Though since I said that they are probably from Iowa and Mississippi or something.


Here is a more dramatic look for them both. Though Kristin has a bunch on makeup on you can still see the similarities.

Let me know what you guys think. Am I off or did I hit it on the head?





Locker stickers…

24 Sep

are used a bit much on Buffy. Why?

Were they used as advertising or what? Never have I seen so many, not even in my High School. You??

I know I’m watching waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much Buffy. Please don’t judge me. I know I have a problem.

Disappointing Celebrity Dialects:

21 Sep

Here are three examples of celebrities who have disappointing natural dialects. In their performances they usually either put on other dialects or fix their own in a way that makes their voices somewhat listen-to-able.

Alexis Denisof

Jake Gyllenhaal

James Marsters