Tag Archives: new

Hope you like the new look!!

6 Aug

I worked my ass off trying to make it nice for you. I’m still sorting some things out. But the basic look is done. I need to categorize like 100 posts still, but that’s all. Well..enjoy an easier way to go through my head.

How to NEVER pay for a college textbook again…

21 May

especially if you’re a member of a SUNY college.

This is the deal. I went to college a SUNY college and was too cheap/poor to pay $200 or more a book per class so I did a bit of research and found out the following.

Go to your college library and ask if they participate in the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) program. You can borrow books/DVD’s/film/anything for longer than through your own college library and there are several “textbook only” libraries within the Interlibrary Loan program. Finally (in most cases) YOU don’t have to pay ANY late fees!! I borrowed all my necessary textbooks for a WHOLE SEMESTER every year! Even though the textbooks I borrowed (from textbook libraries around the country) did rack up mucho dinero in fines, my school paid the fines in the end, not me. The thing is that if you rent a book (or books <you can borrow several at a time>) through the program and keep it for a long enough time you will build up fines and since technically your school is borrowing the book(s) from another school, not you, your school pays the fines. After almost a semester worth of fines your school will yell at you to return the book but you will pay NO FINE! If  you have the books for extra long your school might eventually yell at you via a letter threatening to hold your grades. (Only happened once to me! And I returned the book and all was well).

I can’t guarantee the Interlibrary Loan still works this way, but give it a shot. You might save thousands. I did! I wasted the cash on beer and food.

Let’s review:

Step 1: Go to your college library and ask if they participate in Interlibrary Loan or some such program.

Step 2: If so, search the Interlibrary Loan data system for your needed textbooks.

Step 3: Ask someone at the library if you’ll be fined if the book is a week late. (Just to double check. Don’t say 4 months late, they might not like that.)

Step 4: If all is good and you get the book. Use it for class and turn it in when your done OR if you’re sent a letter by YOUR school library to return the book or you’ll get in big trouble.

Step 5: Spread the word and enjoy this system for the rest of your college career!

Wiki info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interlibrary_loan

Best of luck and if you get yelled at don’t tell anyone I told you to do it. No one wants to get sued.

Canal Street is made up of…

19 Nov

cheap crapily made handbags, sunglasses and watches. Everybody knows it, respects it and loves it for its providence of all that junk.

But lately it’s been infiltrated. Infiltrated by Long Island and Jersey housewives and daughters. These Juicy Couture Velour tracksuit wearing monsters are ruining it for the rest of us.

First off they don’t barter! WTF?! That’s what it’s all about Paula and Stephanie. Since they’re just paying first price asked the vendors now hate to barter with the rest of us. And because of it they allow us much less leeway than they did before the infiltration.

Secondly, these biotches are obnoxious! They arrive in these HUGE busses. I mean HUGE! And they even have handlers. Usually some shady looking dude with an eye on one his watch and the other on some cougar’s tail.

They attack like no army ever know. It’s a genuine invasion. Everyone else in the shops try to get the hell out of their way, because they know the women are thirsty for blood…and faux Louis Vuitton.

Thirdly, some of them are just plain racist. Not all of them are but I have heard several girls say things like, “This is America, speak English”… and such.

This rant is coming to a close. But next time you’re at Canal Street and you get lost in a sea of take tans and highlights remember this: If you need  help getting rid of one of their bodies, you know how to reach me.


New ADDITIONAL blog in the works.

17 Nov

I am spreading my wings and creating an ADDITIONAL blog that will have my creative writings and other fun stuff that’s not really on this site. I will post a link to it very soon.

It’s still in the works and needs actual posts and all.

Stay tuned!