Tag Archives: buffy the vampire slayer

My Collection of Celebrity Autographs

8 Sep

Actresses with giant guns (arms)!

6 Dec

Some of these ladies might be dainty and manicured but if you piss them off they could pop your head right off your neck.


Angela Bassett especially in “What’s Love Got to do With it?” as Tina Turner


Kelly Ripa AKA Regis Philbin’s puppeteer

Tara from True Blood AKA Rutina Wesley

Terminator Mom AKA Linda Hamilton

Are They Related?: Celebrity Edition, Witch VS. Vampire

5 Dec

Amber Benson VS. Kristin Bauer

What do you think? They both have that California relaxed look. Though since I said that they are probably from Iowa and Mississippi or something.


Here is a more dramatic look for them both. Though Kristin has a bunch on makeup on you can still see the similarities.

Let me know what you guys think. Am I off or did I hit it on the head?





Disappointing Celebrity Dialects:

21 Sep

Here are three examples of celebrities who have disappointing natural dialects. In their performances they usually either put on other dialects or fix their own in a way that makes their voices somewhat listen-to-able.

Alexis Denisof

Jake Gyllenhaal

James Marsters