Tag Archives: celebs

Self Dates and HIPPA

18 Jun

I can’t stress enough how important it is to explore and stretch the edge of your comfort zone.

This last year has been nothing but stretching for me in almost every aspect of my life. (Except actual stretching, which I need to add to my daily routine. )

A few months ago I went through another life adjustment and decided that I needed to continue to get to know myself a bit more and also see the outside world. So I declared I would do ‘self dates’. Basically just a solo activity many people would typically do not solo.

My 2 year ago self would not have the balls to do this but todayish me said, “Eh, fuck it. Let’s do this.”

My plan was to dress nice (as though on a hot date) and go out and do whatever the hell I wanted. Including attend various events, eat at fancy restaurants, explore museums, etc. Then just see where the day would take me.

I’ve gone on a handful so far and it’s amazing!

Keep in mind I’m sorta new at solo activities. I’m a fairly brave person but sometimes I don’t think of things to do when I’m alone. I’ll just be happy watching tv all day and night. But something changed in me and I knew I had to go out and explore the world.

Whatever a day’s activity, the night always ends with me walking around the city for a couple hours people watching and listening to music.

There’s such a freedom in roaming and participating in the unknown. It’s made me really appreciate some life choices I sort of mourned originally. I mourn no longer. (Me happy no kids. Ha!)

My life is for fun random adventures and some adventures are a one time thing and others I may fold into my every day.

So if I can leave you with anything worth anything I’ll say this: “Go outside and take a walk as soon as you can”. See what’s outside because on your deathbed you’re not likely to express your remorse for not getting to rewatch your favorite episode of Buffy for a 23rd time.

Side story:

So on my last self date (yesterday) I did a candle making course and then got a hydrating iv drip. Why? Bc I wanted to and it was weird and fun and cool.

The candle course was fun (pic of my candle below) but the iv drip experience was super interesting. It was at my apt (relevant later) and the whole time I was just talking to the doctor about politics and the world tearing itself apart. All while soaking up the drip for like 2 hours. We were very aligned on everything. (Yeah the world is fucked, this next generation is awesome, but glad we have no kids also Mexican food is great.) Usual stuff.

Then she points to a movie poster on my wall and proceeds to tell me a very detailed story about treating that celeb and that they have to use a catheter. “Big Hollywood secret!”, she said.

From that moment on a turned my “tell this stranger about me” meter from 4 to 0.

Why would you tell patients that? You’re essentially showing people you may tell other people their dirty little secrets.

People are dumb even liberal doctors. Who knew?

Ok so go for a walk but don’t tell randos your secrets. Because there are idiots about.

The End.

-Nice Girl

I made this candle!
(Also my fish skeleton! (I didn’t make that.))

Things I’ve googled recently AKA I’m in love with Michelle Gomez

13 Jun

In all honesty this is an old draft from 2017. Originally only going to share my Googling of her hair in Sabrina because at the time I might have slightly obsessed over her style in the show.

But after some years time and a review of the half written draft I can fully understand my 2017 admiration was more than just about her fashion. So in honor of self discovery and acceptance (bi), let’s take a second to appreciate the unique sex appeal of Michelle Gomez?

She exudes confidence, mystery, mischief and intelligence like few others. It’s a very rare and striking combination. Especially when mixed with someone with style, beauty and charisma. Some of those are earned with experience and others with genetics and luck but I can’t think of many more famous people with those qualities. Helen Mirren maybe but she isn’t as mysterious.

I’ve never seen Michelle Gomez in Doctor Who, but she was THE standout in Sabrina on Netflix. Just stole every scene without effort. She is glorious.

Bonus points to her for also being goofy based on her Socials.

Original 2017 draft’s image.
No words.

The end.

-Nice Girl

These Two People Look Creepily Alike: Celebrity Edition 2

7 Dec


This one is pretty intense. Brace yourselves.

I TOLD YOU SO. Screen Shot 2014-12-07 at 10.26.04 PM Draco_Malfoy_(Year_2) Screen Shot 2014-12-07 at 10.26.21 PM

Draco-Malfoy-draco-malfoy-14389740-464-500 Screen Shot 2014-12-07 at 10.26.38 PM

Some Famous Quart-Asians

7 Sep

“Quart-Asian”™ – Someone who looks a little bit Asian, but is not.

Tom Hanks

David Carradine

Quentin Tarantino 

Can you think of any more?

Is it me or does Giovanni Ribisi look like he could be the insane brother of Ryan Gosling?

5 Sep

They do look quite a bit alike. Not being racist or anything. But these two white boys could have come out of the same birth canal. One is fair haired, one is not, I know but their features are quite close. Regarding the sanity part: It’s all in the eyes. Scroll over their heads and take a look at what they were thinking the moment the photos were taken. Then you’ll see what I mean.

Ryan Gosling

Giovanni Ribisi

Told you so.

Neanderthal Actors AKA Giant Skulls of Hollywood

3 Sep

Let me single out some more freaks for our amusement. Today we will be focusing on these specimens’ ginormous craniums mixed with their celebrityness. Now we begin the judging and ridicule:

Matt Smith (Current Dr. Who)

Matt Smith is the new Dr. and is still feeling his way around the universe of the show. The audience is still adjusting to Smith and the show gets mixed reviews, but over all is still loved by its fans. I was introduced to the show during the last Dr.’s reign. But still I think Matt Smith is doing a wonderful job. But DAMN he has a huge head. Right?! It’s not only a big fucking head, but his tiny mouse eyes make him look like a caveman. Luckily for Matt his head is equally huge all the way around. (Unlike our next examples.)

Conan O’Brien (America’s #1 TV Host)

The vaguely smart populous to the very smart populous all know and love Conan. He is one funny man indeed. But let’s not focus on his kick ass humor and instead lets recognize his giant eggplant shaped head. Conan has tiny eyes like Matt Smith. But his head is more top-heavy than Matt’s. We all know that curl is supposed to distract most of us from his 8 finger forehead and most of the time it works. Good thinking, Conan. Keep on keeping on.

Dolph Lundgren (80’s Movie Bad Guy)

Nice pout, Dolph! (Sarcasm). He may look like a caveman but actually he is a bit of a super genious. He speaks several languages and has a degree in chemical engineering. Surprised? I was too. Back in the 80’s Dolph was a pretty big star. He was in loads of action films. Now he is trying to pull a Mickey Rourke type comeback in a few new crappy films. Back to the giant skull part of the one way conversation: Dolph has the opposite issue as Conan. Dolph’s jaw and lower skull is about 4 sizes too big for a normal human. He looks like he could bite through a car tire no problem. Dolph’s features all match up pretty will with the rest of his face and this make him even weirder looking. With larger eyes, nose and lips to match his huge fucking head he looks like a giant or a cartoon thug from one of the very very old Superman cartoons.

Russell Brand (Wacky Comedian/Actor)

Russell is known for his personality which is very similar to (exactly like) that of Johnny Depp’s Jack Sparrow. They even go to the same hair dresser. Though he started as a standup comic he is now an actor of Hollywood films. He moved up the Hollywood ranks quickly and is now married to Katy (I have big boobs, see?) Perry. Head issues: Russell has a head similar to Dolph but it’s longer and therefor more noticeably mischievous looking. He looks like a children’s book villain. He is only missing a top had and coattails. His tiny tiny nose, eyes and mouth make his skull area seem even more vast. I have an idea how his nose atrophied but I’m too nice to say. Coke. Lots and loads and trucks full of coke.

Actresses with giant guns (arms)!

6 Dec

Some of these ladies might be dainty and manicured but if you piss them off they could pop your head right off your neck.


Angela Bassett especially in “What’s Love Got to do With it?” as Tina Turner


Kelly Ripa AKA Regis Philbin’s puppeteer

Tara from True Blood AKA Rutina Wesley

Terminator Mom AKA Linda Hamilton

Thank you Interscope for making domestic violence romantic again.

13 Aug

I was on CNN.com trying to pretend I care about the news, and I came across this video article:


So check out the music video itself before you decide what you really think:


Are you also pissed as shit? I know all relationships are different. But I think it’s very fucked up to illustrate an abusive relationship as sexy and give it a happy cuddly ending. Ending exactly as it began. Though the ending does show that it will be a cycle of abuse until someone leaves for good. But still…hot sex during abuse…really? Really??

I’m pretty sure being beat about the face doesn’t make one hot. Maybe I’m just weird.

There is much more that can be said about this video. Like why would Rihanna, a known victim of abuse, be cool with illustrating that abuse is a cause and effect type of deal? If you yell at me I hit you and then you yell and I hit again. The fact is that in reality you don’t have to say anything to be hit. You can act as calm as a bunny on a Summer day and get beat to shit because your bunny partner is an abusive prick. Anyway…

Did the hobbit get the temporary tattoos put on for the video to make him look badass? Or did he get them post hobbit to show chicks he was a manly man?

One final thought: How many “wife beaters” aka ribbed tanks does Eminem own? He wears them in almost every music video. And isn’t it funny he wears a wife beater while singing about hitting his girlfriend? HA.

P.S. Mike told me to make it clean that this is not an allegory for our domestic bliss.

Some stills from the video:

Awesomely shittylicious movies:

25 May

~~Scroll over the posters for films’ info and enjoy the clips and previews~~

Transylvania 6-5000

Troll 2


Killer Klowns from Outer Space

My Stepmother is an Alien

To see the whole of the film just search it on youtube and you’ll see it.

My Mom’s a Werewolf

Once Bitten

Celebs who creepily look alike #2:

8 Dec

Jessica Harper (Shock Treatment/Boys)


Frances O’Connor (A.I/Bedazzled)

This instance is especially creepy because I suspect the two women are actually one woman. This Jessica/Frances woman seems to have taken the “Death Becomes Her” potion (See below):

It is my assumption that Frances will soon stop acting and wait another 10 years until she will emerge again as Agnes or Julia something. She can’t fool me!