Tag Archives: woman

Mary Woronov: The Woman, The Legend

16 Aug

Mary Woronov

VIDEO of her videos:

You may not recognize her name, but her face and/or voice have probably left an impression on you somewhere along your movie watching journey.

Up until I did some research about her for this post I only knew half of the awesomeness that is she. I knew and loved the b movie queen Mary. I had no idea about the Andy Warhol Silver Factory Mary.

Let’s begin with the B movie queen Mary.

Mary Woronov was brilliant in a shit load of shitty film such as:

The Lady in Red

Rock ‘n’ Roll High School

Night of the Comet


Chopping Mall



Not to mention the TV shows she was in that we all hate or adore:

Charlie’s Angels

Logan’s Run


Buck Rogers in the 25th Century

Knight Rider

Mr. Belvedere

Murder, She Wrote

Amazing Stories

Faerie Tale Theatre

St. Elsewhere




Babylon 5

My So-Called Life


Family Matters

Super Duper Supremely Condensed Warhol Connection Explanation

Her cool deep voice, lion-like face and 10″ thick cheek bones made an impression on Andy Warhol when she was young. She went on to be one of his break out stars. Sorta. She was on a bunch of his films and participated in the Velvet Underground as a go-go dancer and personality. She later moved on to films and television after the 1960’s groovy days died out. She went on to be a b movie queen. The Mary most of us (those of us who know who she is to begin with) know and love.

Thanks for all your wonderful work, Mary!

Nice Girl

Rihanna has ripped off Tank Girl!!

31 Jan

Check out her latest video for her single titled : “Hard”.

Now take a look at this video of Tank Girl:

Just to be clear: Rihanna’s video is a glam rip off of the original Tank Girl style from the comic and the film. What do you think?

Time to play catch up…

31 Jan

starting with ketchup. HAHA! I’m so funny…

My first rant begins with costumes. This time it’s not costumes that pedos know and love but ones that boring middle class preppy white people love.

Like…(Roll over the dumbass in the ketchup costume with your mouse to get the scoop.)

Then there’s her husband, Bob Smith. (Ditto with the whole scrolling over thing…FYI: This is true for almost every picture in the blog.)

And now let’s meet Fred and Ethel, the Smith’s lovable dogs: (Again with the scrolling over image.)

What was that all about: Well… I don’t like people who wear very boring generic costumes. Plus it’s fun to make up stories about people’s lives.