Self Dates and HIPPA

18 Jun

I can’t stress enough how important it is to explore and stretch the edge of your comfort zone.

This last year has been nothing but stretching for me in almost every aspect of my life. (Except actual stretching, which I need to add to my daily routine. )

A few months ago I went through another life adjustment and decided that I needed to continue to get to know myself a bit more and also see the outside world. So I declared I would do ‘self dates’. Basically just a solo activity many people would typically do not solo.

My 2 year ago self would not have the balls to do this but todayish me said, “Eh, fuck it. Let’s do this.”

My plan was to dress nice (as though on a hot date) and go out and do whatever the hell I wanted. Including attend various events, eat at fancy restaurants, explore museums, etc. Then just see where the day would take me.

I’ve gone on a handful so far and it’s amazing!

Keep in mind I’m sorta new at solo activities. I’m a fairly brave person but sometimes I don’t think of things to do when I’m alone. I’ll just be happy watching tv all day and night. But something changed in me and I knew I had to go out and explore the world.

Whatever a day’s activity, the night always ends with me walking around the city for a couple hours people watching and listening to music.

There’s such a freedom in roaming and participating in the unknown. It’s made me really appreciate some life choices I sort of mourned originally. I mourn no longer. (Me happy no kids. Ha!)

My life is for fun random adventures and some adventures are a one time thing and others I may fold into my every day.

So if I can leave you with anything worth anything I’ll say this: “Go outside and take a walk as soon as you can”. See what’s outside because on your deathbed you’re not likely to express your remorse for not getting to rewatch your favorite episode of Buffy for a 23rd time.

Side story:

So on my last self date (yesterday) I did a candle making course and then got a hydrating iv drip. Why? Bc I wanted to and it was weird and fun and cool.

The candle course was fun (pic of my candle below) but the iv drip experience was super interesting. It was at my apt (relevant later) and the whole time I was just talking to the doctor about politics and the world tearing itself apart. All while soaking up the drip for like 2 hours. We were very aligned on everything. (Yeah the world is fucked, this next generation is awesome, but glad we have no kids also Mexican food is great.) Usual stuff.

Then she points to a movie poster on my wall and proceeds to tell me a very detailed story about treating that celeb and that they have to use a catheter. “Big Hollywood secret!”, she said.

From that moment on a turned my “tell this stranger about me” meter from 4 to 0.

Why would you tell patients that? You’re essentially showing people you may tell other people their dirty little secrets.

People are dumb even liberal doctors. Who knew?

Ok so go for a walk but don’t tell randos your secrets. Because there are idiots about.

The End.

-Nice Girl

I made this candle!
(Also my fish skeleton! (I didn’t make that.))

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