Female Heroes for Kids…sorta

25 Jun

Saw this while running around and I have some bad news for the author and the kids reading these book.

Firstly, no one is perfect and standards for women have always been higher than for men. That being said I am fairly sure we have a few more options than these as our female heroes.

Coco was a nazi spy.

Coco wasn’t the best choice for this collection of women to admire. I’d stay clear of telling kids to admire people who banged and spied for the Nazis. Then again I’m not a children’s book author. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Frida is a better choice for sure. She did have a dick of a cheating husband though. (His actions were not her fault.) I hope they call him out in the book at least. Not sure if that’s a chapter in the story. Fingers crossed it is. 🙏

Audrey. Good choice there. No further comment. 👍

Next book on the shelf…


Marie Curie changed the world by dicking around with radiation and unfortunately it didn’t end well for her. Lesson for the kids: wear protection because you may change the world but die doing it. So…thanks for your sacrifice…😬

Wait… is this ‘the women who died for the things they did that weren’t lady like then’ book? WTF? We all know what happened to Amelia. It sucks but she had guts and deserves recognition of course. Just remember to bring a map before you travel. Damn this book bundle is dark. 😳

Next up is a lady I need to google. Please hold…

Ada was a big brained nerd genius who basically invented the way computers would work. 👏 Go her. Unfortunately…she eventually got cancer then got Jesus and repented her ways and then was abandoned by her husband then died. God damn this series is dark as fuck. Also her dad was Lord Byron, uber famous writer and notorious philanderer. Apparently she may have been involved in one or more affairs, just like dear pa pa. So that’s what she may have been driven to repent. I doubt dad was driven to repent his affairs. 🙄

So what exactly do these books teach kids?

I don’t know. Coco throws me the most here. The others had crazy lives or suffered for their efforts but she just banged nazis and sold clothes.

The real actual lesson here is to google the heroes you tell your kids to admire because some may be legit and some not so much. Also women who make history go through a lot of shit. Damn.


-Nice Girl

Self Dates and HIPPA

18 Jun

I can’t stress enough how important it is to explore and stretch the edge of your comfort zone.

This last year has been nothing but stretching for me in almost every aspect of my life. (Except actual stretching, which I need to add to my daily routine. )

A few months ago I went through another life adjustment and decided that I needed to continue to get to know myself a bit more and also see the outside world. So I declared I would do ‘self dates’. Basically just a solo activity many people would typically do not solo.

My 2 year ago self would not have the balls to do this but todayish me said, “Eh, fuck it. Let’s do this.”

My plan was to dress nice (as though on a hot date) and go out and do whatever the hell I wanted. Including attend various events, eat at fancy restaurants, explore museums, etc. Then just see where the day would take me.

I’ve gone on a handful so far and it’s amazing!

Keep in mind I’m sorta new at solo activities. I’m a fairly brave person but sometimes I don’t think of things to do when I’m alone. I’ll just be happy watching tv all day and night. But something changed in me and I knew I had to go out and explore the world.

Whatever a day’s activity, the night always ends with me walking around the city for a couple hours people watching and listening to music.

There’s such a freedom in roaming and participating in the unknown. It’s made me really appreciate some life choices I sort of mourned originally. I mourn no longer. (Me happy no kids. Ha!)

My life is for fun random adventures and some adventures are a one time thing and others I may fold into my every day.

So if I can leave you with anything worth anything I’ll say this: “Go outside and take a walk as soon as you can”. See what’s outside because on your deathbed you’re not likely to express your remorse for not getting to rewatch your favorite episode of Buffy for a 23rd time.

Side story:

So on my last self date (yesterday) I did a candle making course and then got a hydrating iv drip. Why? Bc I wanted to and it was weird and fun and cool.

The candle course was fun (pic of my candle below) but the iv drip experience was super interesting. It was at my apt (relevant later) and the whole time I was just talking to the doctor about politics and the world tearing itself apart. All while soaking up the drip for like 2 hours. We were very aligned on everything. (Yeah the world is fucked, this next generation is awesome, but glad we have no kids also Mexican food is great.) Usual stuff.

Then she points to a movie poster on my wall and proceeds to tell me a very detailed story about treating that celeb and that they have to use a catheter. “Big Hollywood secret!”, she said.

From that moment on a turned my “tell this stranger about me” meter from 4 to 0.

Why would you tell patients that? You’re essentially showing people you may tell other people their dirty little secrets.

People are dumb even liberal doctors. Who knew?

Ok so go for a walk but don’t tell randos your secrets. Because there are idiots about.

The End.

-Nice Girl

I made this candle!
(Also my fish skeleton! (I didn’t make that.))

Avoiding avoidance.

15 Jun

I’ve been busy with my day job and haven’t had time to think about anything worth posting but I’m trying to force the habit to post regardless. So, sorry you have to read this post. It’s more for me but you’re welcome to use it as an opportunity to think about the things you’re avoiding.

If I can bring myself to do this god awful post after such an exhausting week of minimal sleep than you can choose to write that email, start that book, finally bury that cat or defrost that steak.

Which reminds me I also want to pat myself on the back for finally stopping my endless food delivery cycle. I’ve started to cook again and although I’m no Ramsey (or whatever that blonde angry man is called) I do my best.

The money saved was kind of surprising. Maybe this weekend I’ll actually run the numbers and see how much I spent in 2023 alone on food delivery. Then I’ll cry then I’ll just stare at the floor for an hour then I’ll watch Practical Magic then I’ll be ok again.

Oh and I’m doing a candle making class Saturday. Wish me luck bc I have no idea how it’ll go. It’s one of those “get drunk and do x activity” activities. My plan is to make the Black Flame candle to raise the Sanderson sisters. I know the sequel was a shit show but I still enjoyed parts. Plus if they invited me to join their coven I would have ZERO hesitation. Bro, THEY CAN FLY!

Oh also doing an IV hydrotherapy drip bc I can. I’ll let you know my thoughts. I did one of the ones where they come to you. So I’ma feel fancy.

Ok so time for shower and sleep and cleaning up my ‘decompress after work’ mess aka dirty dishes and pants on the table.

I’ll leave you with a fun gif.

Now be gone!

See you later though, right?

-Nice Girl

Things I’ve googled recently AKA I’m in love with Michelle Gomez

13 Jun

In all honesty this is an old draft from 2017. Originally only going to share my Googling of her hair in Sabrina because at the time I might have slightly obsessed over her style in the show.

But after some years time and a review of the half written draft I can fully understand my 2017 admiration was more than just about her fashion. So in honor of self discovery and acceptance (bi), let’s take a second to appreciate the unique sex appeal of Michelle Gomez?

She exudes confidence, mystery, mischief and intelligence like few others. It’s a very rare and striking combination. Especially when mixed with someone with style, beauty and charisma. Some of those are earned with experience and others with genetics and luck but I can’t think of many more famous people with those qualities. Helen Mirren maybe but she isn’t as mysterious.

I’ve never seen Michelle Gomez in Doctor Who, but she was THE standout in Sabrina on Netflix. Just stole every scene without effort. She is glorious.

Bonus points to her for also being goofy based on her Socials.

Original 2017 draft’s image.
No words.

The end.

-Nice Girl

I’m back and I brought gifs!

12 Jun

It’s been a bit. Since 2017 I’ve done a couple things here and there. So let’s do an ultra fast catch-up then get back to business. (Note: I’m awful with time and maps so there may me some slight out of orderness here.)

Vacationed in Kauai. Moved to Burbank. Got engaged. Got married. Got new job. Got house. Pandemic. Therapy. Left job. Joined the Pandemic divorce club. Got a ton more tattoos and such. Moved back East. Got job, left job, got another job. Insane journey of self discovery followed by smoothish landing into true adulthood.

Now I’m here with all you fine folks who googled some random thing that led you to this mess.

So let’s get back to the business of laughing at weird shit that pops in my head.

Next post will be back to basics. But for now I sleep because it’s 2:21am on a Tuesday and I’m exhausted and need to put the phone down.


-Nice Girl

Day 13ish: The Cleanse

16 Jan

Sorry about that break. I was busy. Busy eating right and making progress. I couldn’t find time to also blog about it every day. I’ll do what I can blogwise as long as I keep up the actual lifestyle.

Current AM weight was 163.6 lbs

Not bad. I also got sick this last week and haven’t had energy to workout so that’s all by eating. May also be why haven’t blogged bc I’m so tired from being sick.

Ok enough for now. Still tired and sick but yay for progress!

Oh the image? Well it is weird. I found it when I googled “sick with cold thumbs up”. So. Yeah. Banshee rabbit instead. Enjoy.

Life Lesson: Two way mirror test

9 Jan

If you’re in a dressing/ changing room and you look in the mirror and realize to yourself that someone may be on the other side of that mirror and that is not  ok with you than check this test out:

Department stores sometimes hire people to watch shoppers change in dressing rooms behind two way mirrors to guard against theft.

This test can let you know quickly and easily.

You’re welcome.

Also apologies if I posted about this once before but it’s good to know so it’s good to have a refresher course.

Day 5: The Cleanse

9 Jan

Let’s be real this is not really a cleanse it’s more of a choice alteration declaration with a side of contemplation and accountability.

I’m will keep calling it a cleanse to trick my mind into making the best of any decisions. If I stop calling it a cleanse I’ll allow myself the opportunity to eat anything. And that will lead me back to the road to 175lbs. 

So I’ll keep counting the days and calling it a cleanse but it’s in reality just a new way to eat. A better choices to feel better way to eat.

Anyhow I was still on it fully today.

I had the following:

  • Fresh OJ
  • Coffee with almond creamer
  • Lots of water w cucumber in it
  • Half a kiwi
  • Bit of Leftover soy soup
  • Bit of other god knows what from the nice fancy rich people vegan place I went to last night
  • A banana
  • Half an advacado
  • I feel like I had some more stuff but honestly I can’t remember for the life of me. Whatever it was it was super healthy and vegitatian

Oh and I’m not going to avoid meat at all costs. Just only going to have it if I REALLY REALLY crave it. I guess honestly maybe only once a month I’ll demand a steak or have shrimp or fish.

I’m back to work tomorrow so I’ll prob need to start packing lunches at least every other day. I’ll try and throw juices in there too to keep the juice aspect on tract as well. Funny for little juice I’ve had on my originally planned juice cleanse.

Part of why I veered away from only juice is knowing I like to stick to extremes to temporarily and if I go to one and end it I will progress toward the opposite spectrum soon after. Best to keep balance than yo yo.

I’m typing this while laying in bed and now I realize I have to get up and pack a lunch when I’m done bc I have other new routines in the AM that don’t allow time to make lunch. UGH!

The new routines started today! Working out!!! Finally!! 

I stretch for about 10-20 mins than lots of leg lifts and micro sit-ups then end with arm weights. The whole thing is about 45 mins.

I plan to just do a 10 min stretch in the AM. Then after work do elliptical or treadmill for 30. Then offer light supper at home do the 45 minute routine I said above.

That should do it. I also have a few cool tapes if I get bored of my own routine.

So today’s end of day weight is 170.0lbs

Ok so that’s my update.


Day 4: The Cleanse

8 Jan

I ate a bunch more but it was all super healthy and it paid off.

Breakfast was a compilation of fresh OJ, half a small advacado, coffee and almond creamer, and a few other bits I don’t remember but it was all healthy and great.

Lunch was a soy soup and veggies and garlic soy beans. I had half of the soup and veggies. Had a half a Diet Coke again though.

Then dinner was at this fancy vegan place my sister wanted to visit. I have no idea what I ordered but it had mushrooms and it was small. Saved some for leftovers. We also split some nacho thing. Technically that was a foul but I had 4 chips so I’m not that upset. My cleanse my rules.

Then we had a raw faux tiramisu desser. Had half of that too.

Then after we walked around seedy Hollywood and Vine area for an hour then went home.

Once home I had a few bites of leftovers from the soy soup.

Weight last night was 170lbs but I knew it would drop this am and it did to 168.8lbs.

Yay. Good job!

I began the cleanse at 175 in all honesty so this is a big step forward.

Dr. Floyd.

7 Jan

Max had a popcorn kernel stuck in one of his recently removed wisdom tooth holes.

He couldn’t get it out on his own and called the dentist to make an appt for tomorrow. He asked if I could take a look in the mean time.

I went straight into Dr. Lena mode.

I got all the necessary equipment out.

The tooth mirror thing, the flat hooked tooth pick metal thing, tweezers, a light and a syringe with no needle to try and plow that kernel out using water jetted right on it.

Then I sterilized the working station, myself and the equipment.

It was time to begin. I tried to jet water into the gun cavity but I couldn’t reach it. So I say Max down and tried the flat hooked tooth pick metal thing. That worked very well and after a few minutes it dislodged. I had him rinse and mission complete. No need for a $100 dentist appt.

He later wrote me a yelp review and sent it via text: (Slight edit made for context.)

” Yelp review for Dr. Floyd’s. 

She got the job done in a calm and careful manor. She was very reassuring and confident. She had the tools needed for the job. Although she didn’t wear a mask. All in all, I would return. I think she works a lot on kids as she was in a hedgehog onesie the entire time.”