Tag Archives: mistake

Bank of America gives you $100 for kid tossing. Get started today!!

13 Aug

I ran into this ad on my walk to Whole Foods the other day. What else can it mean?

Your Hairstylist’s Hair: Consider it Their Means of Advertising

15 Jul

If you walk into an unfamiliar salon for a nice fresh new look and the hairstylist you get has some wacky nuvo fashion hair cut that makes them look like a moron than ask to reschedule due to an unexpected birth in the family and when they take you back to the counter to reschedule say, “One sec I have to make a quick call.” Then go outside and RUN!

Nothing is worse than a shittylicious haircut that won’t even grow out well in a few weeks. Think of your potential hairstylist’s haircut as a preview of their talent. Sure they probably didn’t cut it themselves but someone they chose did, someone they judged as trust worthy and talented by using their hairstylist powers/education.

Imagine you were going to get an artist to do a portrait of you and the artist’s favorite type of art was “shit smeared on walls and called a political statement about how the government treats the homeless”. You should probably look else where for an artist to do a nice classic portrait. I won’t deny that this mode of thinking is judgmental, ever rude and kinda cruel…but it’s your portrait and if it ends up being a turd stapled to a piece of loose-leaf with your name written under it than you’re only to blame.

An artist’s tastes/judgments generally reflects their school of thought/(sometimes) talent, and more often than not (when dealing when a hairstylist) if their hair looks like shit than yours might end up the same if not worse. Why take the risk?

Think of all those funny looking haircuts you see on hairstylists in 80’s movies.(Or remember the hairstylists’ haircuts back in the 80’s (If you remember them.)) Now imagine you went to one of those hairstylists back then and asked for a trim and some layers, expecting a good haircut by today’s standards.You might end up looking like this:

—-Scroll over image.—-

Again…don’t risk your hair. It takes way too long to grow back out. Especially bangs…trust me on that one.

P.S. Especially never trust a bald hairstylist. They could be bald because their last hair cut was a mistake, and if your hairstylist can’t get a good hairstylist then they probably aren’t that good either.

Good luck!

A Look at Some Hilariously Crappy Hand Tattoos

14 Jul

Let’s not kid ourselves. Can you think of one hand tattoo you’ve seen that looked good/tasteful? Thought not.

So let’s celebrate the stupidity of strangers and take a peek at some trashy tats:


First let’s see some “Look Ma I Can Spell” tattoos:

Now let’s check out some of the “Give Me Any Excuse To Give The Finger So I Can Flash My New Tat” tattoos:

That sure was educational wasn’t it? Now let’s check out some of those nifty “Random Images Between My Fingers That Makes Me More Interesting” tattoos:

Now on to the dumb hipster side of town: The “Mustache” Tattoo:

Next up is the romantical and classic: The “Wedding Ring” Tattoo:

Take a peak at the “I’m a Badass. No, Really!” Tattoos:

This concludes our tour of shittylicious hand tattoos from around the world. Now if you still want one than be sure to be extra sure it’s awesome or you will be screwed and if you post a photo of it later online I might end up reposting it here and laughing at your bad judgment.


The Cleanse: Day Five

9 Jan

Sorry about not writing yesterday. I was distracted by a birthday dinner.

First off:

I weighed in at 152.6 lbs. Not really a change from the other day. But not an increase!

But I fucked up royally at the dinner and had soup. Oh the pressure!! Social anxiety and such. Oh f it. I was STARVING! I had a small bowl of chicken soup. It was one of the best thing I’d ever eaten. God bless Ta Cocina Restaurant. But DAMN them for their seductive smells and tastes.

So I effed up and I will do all I can not to do it again. Shame on me. Let’s move on.

I was informed by a friend that my mistake with the Salt Water Cleanse was rooted in my mistake in drinking it cold rather than warm. Tomorrow I will try again with warm water, and I’ll try to chug too.

Let’s see how this thing goes.

Not a sight you wanna see:

6 Dec

Yes that is an exposed wire sitting in a pool of water.

F.Y.I. This was at the Brooklyn King Con this year. Brooklyn is dangerous if you’re not wearing your rubbers. RUBBER BOOTS YOU PERV!!

Eyebrow Rant

5 Sep

Women who pluck their eyebrows soo thin they have to pencil them in.

Bushy eyebrows. –>Pluck every once in a while.

Random loose eye brow hairs. If you bothered to pluck last week you should be able to maintain them this week.

Nice pencil work doofus.

Nice pencil work doofus.

Looks soo real! (I hope she doesn't read this and come after me and shave off my eyebrows too.)

Looks soo real! (I hope she doesn't read this and come after me and shave off my eyebrows too.)